After numerous attempts to obtain planning consent to develop a new indoor sporting facility, Thorpe Hall School contacted SKArchitects.  Following extensive discussions with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and Sport England the aspirations of the Trustees and Senior Leadership for a 21st Century first class indoor sporting facility was beginning to materialise.

Thorpe Hall School is an independent combined primary and secondary school situated within the Green Belt in Great Wakering.

Given the open setting and abundant daylight the opportunity to create a unique beacon for Thorpe Hall School became apparent.

The use of polycarbonate cladding allowed the large form to constantly change in appearance and sit discreetly and as lightly possible within the landscape, whilst the use of the schools colour bring a sense of individuality and playfulness to the internal spaces.

The demand for a place at Thorpe Hall has significantly grown in no small part due to the value given to the Seaglass building.

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